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New York to open some temporary state jobs to migrants with work authorization



New York to open some temporary state jobs to migrants with work authorization

New York is working on a plan to open up state jobs to migrants with legal work authorization. Governor Kathy Hochul said there are about 10,000 open positions, and state agencies have identified roughly 4,000 that could be filled by migrants.

These are legal people,” Hochul said. “Every single one would have legal work authorization.

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The Civil Service Commission earlier this month approved a proposal to lower barriers to entry for these positions. It will open the door for migrant workers as well as other New Yorkers.

“First, many migrants and asylum seekers are unable to verify their educational attainment such as high school completion or equivalent education, which is required for some of these positions,” Director of Classification & Compensation with the Department of Civil Service said.

“Second, some have limited English proficiency. Lastly, even if they have successful experience performing the work to be done, it may be difficult for agencies to verify previous employment outside the United States. Despite these obstacles, these individuals are able to perform many of the core duties of the positions that State agencies seek to fill.”

New, temporary positions with “transitional” titles will be established with requirements that better suit qualifications of some applicants. These roles will allow employees a chance at more permanent, “target” titles.

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Of the thousands of vacancies in state agencies, The Division of Classification & Compensation said most are in labor and non-competitive classes: administrative support, engineering support, equipment service and repair, facilities operations, food service, and human services. Seven new titles will be created to define these roles.

Justifying the move, Director of Classification & Compensation Abner JeanPierre wrote, “The creation of these transitional titles is a win-win way for the State and its agencies to connect qualified and motivated individuals with meaningful jobs and opportunity; help solve the migrant crisis; and rebuild the State workforce.”

Hochul said the state is still waiting on guidance and help from the federal government. A state database of 40,000 private sector jobs identified for migrants was made with the Department of Labor last fall.

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