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Dozens of people were arrested at Columbia University and loaded onto buses



Dozens of people were arrested at Columbia University and loaded onto buses

Police arrested 16 people after taking over and vandalizing the University of New Mexico Student Union Building early Tuesday morning, according to university officials.

Palestinian supporters had been protesting peacefully at the UNM Duck Pond since last week, according to UNM spokesperson Steve Carr in an email to CNN.

More than two dozen protesters attempted to camp inside and occupy the Student Union Building (SUB) around 6:30 p.m. local time Monday night, according to Carr.

“They remained unlawfully in the building past closing time and proceeded to vandalize the building, damaging furniture, walls, and doors, writing graffiti with markers, paint, and chalk, on the walls, on banisters, in bathrooms, and more,” he said in the email.

According to Carr, some protesters barricaded doors with chairs and tables.

“Beyond this property damage in the SUB, graffiti was spray-painted across campus. Students who were trying to study in the SUB were also verbally harassed,” he said.

New Mexico State Police and UNM police began removing tents and escorting protesters out of the building around 3:30 a.m. Tuesday morning, Carr said.

CNN reached out to New Mexico State Police but has not heard back.

In a university statement released Tuesday, officials said the “takeover” of the student union building is “not acceptable,” 

“What began as protest ended in criminal acts,” the statement said. “Those who occupied the building were not peacefully protesting, they were engaged in criminal activity by entering, remaining in, and damaging the SUB after its closing hours.”

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