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Golden K hears local musicians’ presentation on New York trip



Golden K hears local musicians’ presentation on New York trip

Crystal Hogan and Dawn Kranz at David Geffen Hall in Lincoln Center, during their trip to New York City.


For The Daily News

KINGSFORD — The air-conditioned First Presbyterian Church in Kingsford was the ideal place for the Golden K meeting on Monday morning.

The great hall in the back of the church accommodated the group as they proceeded. Chairman Brett Calcari opened with the weekly ceremonies.

Alyce Derwinski never misses her cue at the keyboard as Lois Outcelt directs the singing. It may be routine, but it never gets old. Tunes like “Blue Moon,” “Don’t Fence Me In,” and “Doodle-Do” added a welcomed frivolity to the day.

Happy Birthday wishes were sung for Sharon Scholke and Carol Olson. Happy Anniversary went to Leon and Sarah Gospodarek. Crystal Hogan was welcomed as guest and Gary Proudfit shared Happy Dollars thoughts.

Time spent with family was appreciated. The laying of memorial wreaths at Arlington Cemetery was a beautiful ceremony broadcast this week. It commemorated a withdrawal from the conflict in Afghanistan. Calcari’s thought for the day was “Keep your faith towards the sunshine and shadows will fall behind.”

The group feels fortunate to be surrounded in communities with tremendous talent such as authors, artists, and schools with outstanding programs.

A wide assortment of summer venues and a variety of musical entertainment contribute to the public’s enjoyment. Among those talents are Crystal Hogan and Dawn Kranz, who graciously share their music.

Hogan and Kranz taught choral and instrumental music in the local public schools throughout their careers. Upon retiring, Hogan continues involvement in church music and Kranz gives private lessons at her studio. They sing together at local events and venues.

Since 2013, Hogan has served as the principal conductor for the Dickinson County Community Chorus. Kranz has served as assistant conductor and children’s chorus director for the past five years. Both of these ladies continue to share their music with all. We at Golden K thank them for that.

Hogan set up a video highlighting their recent trip to New York’s Lincoln Center. The church boasts a comfortable video room where the seniors settled in to enjoy the presentation. Members sat back as the video orchestra tuned instruments and the large chorus filed in. The performers were selected from around the country and the world.

Local artists Hogan and Kranz made the cut. The auditorium became quiet, the conductor raised his baton and the Golden K became part of this fantastic journey. Conductor Mark Hayes is an internationally known music composer and conductor. The event called “KINDNESS” was filled with kindness, compassion and courage. The event featured soloists, chorus, and orchestra.

It was an unforgettable experience for both. It is also a lesson for all who have hopes and dreams waiting in their future. Wonderful things await.

With September comes Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer, and the Dickinson County Fair.

The holiday means Golden K will not meet Monday. The next meeting will be 10 a.m. Monday Sept. 9, at the First Presbyterian Church in Kingsford and will feature Bill Cummings as guest speaker. Cummings is a renowned local historian. If you’ve missed his talks before, this is your opportunity. The club will provide the doughnuts and coffee.

All are welcome.

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