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Can your zodiac sign predict how many children you’ll have?



Can your zodiac sign predict how many children you’ll have?

Let’s talk babies.

As the birth chart is a map of selfhood that shows our inclinations, astrology can help predict desire and outcome when it comes to being a parent.

Astrologer Carol Star, whose tagline is “bringing astrology down to Earth,” comes correct with a few astro indicators of parenthood, and if you can’t trust the authority of a woman wearing bejeweled eyeglasses, what can you trust, folks? 

To determine parent status, Star and other astrologers look to the fifth house. The natural lair of Leos, the fifth house is associated with children, creativity, and expression, including but not limited to the creative expression of making, having, and raising children.

To find your own fifth house, use a birth chart generator like this one. Within the inner circle of your chart, your fifth house will be labeled with a number five.

Fifth house

The fifth house represents children and the inner child. Jacob Lund –

Star explains that having Mars, the masculine planet of action, desire, and sexuality, in the fifth house suggests children will or could be present, “Mars is about reproduction, and if Mars is in your fifth house favorably, it will determine that you’re going to have a lot of kids.”

Celebrity evidence: Mel Gibson, problematic pater familias to 9, has Mars in the fifth house, as does Jack Nicholson, dad to a six-pack of children.

Jupiter in the fifth house

Elon Musk, father to twelve children, has Jupiter in the fifth house. REUTERS

Star notes that having Jupiter, the planet of happiness, luck, and expansion, in the fifth house is also a strong indicator that a person will be blessed with children and fortunate enough to have healthy pregnancies.

Poosh founder and PDA enthusiast Kourtney Kardashian, mother to four kiddos, has Jupiter in the fifth house. Other celeb parents with this placement include divisive alien and father of 12, Elon Musk.

Uranus in the fourth or fifth house = whoopsie baby

Uranus in the fourth or fifth house can indicate a surprise pregnancy. revers_jr –

Fellow astrologer Astrologically, Yours XO maintains having Uranus, the planet of sudden change and left-field leanings in the fourth house of home or fifth house of children, can be an indicator of a surprise pregnancy.

Case in point: rapper and world-class s–t talker Drake, has Uranus in the fourth. This scorpion famously fathered a child with artist/former adult entertainer Sophie Brussaux, and then waited months for tests to confirm his paternity before publicly acknowledging his progeny. Checks out.

Moon X Jupiter

Jupiter expands all that it touches, including parenting potential. Artsiom P –

According to Astrologically Yours, when the moon, which represents the divine feminine, fertility, and the archetype of the mother, gets in cahoots with Jupiter planet of excess and abundance, it creates a particularly propagative dynamic that can indicate having or wanting a big batch of children.

As Astrologically Yours explains, having a moon/Jupiter aspect can also point to adoption.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, Zahara Jolie-Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, Maddox Jolie-Pitt and Knox Jolie-Pitt. WireImage

“When the moon and Jupiter start interacting, this can also show adoption, fostering, and even stepchildren. The reason why? Jupiter deals in travel and global affairs. It represents away from home so it deals in things that are not familiar to us and people who are not related to us.”

For evidence, look no further than adoption advocate, UN ambassador, and mother of six Angelina Jolie, whose moon is conjunct Jupiter in her ninth house of travel, philosophy, and expansion.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

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