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Exhibitor Preview: Nautel at NAB Show New York – Radio World



Exhibitor Preview: Nautel at NAB Show New York – Radio World

The company will highlight its “just add audio” software-based air chain

Planning for the 2024 NAB Show New York is ramping up, and Radio World is asking exhibitors about their plans and expectations. John Whyte is the head of marketing and product strategy for Nautel.

Radio World: What news will your company feature at NAB Show NY — which of your new products or services for radio will you highlight?

Nautel’s John Whyte

Whyte: This is Nautel’s first appearance at NAB NY. We are excited to join this East Coast venue and meet with broadcasters.

Unlike the spring NAB Show where Nautel exhibits an extensive array of transmitter equipment, at NAB NY we’ll be focusing on our software-based air chain innovations.

These will be of interest to not only engineers, but general managers who are looking for next-level solutions to improve their presence on the dial and car dashboard.

RW: Your Digital Radio Test Drive won a RW Best of Show award earlier this year, what feedback have you received from customers about the initiative? 

Whyte: Yes, we were absolutely honored to receive recognition for the several years of innovation that have enabled the Digital Radio Test Drive, which will be a major focus of our attendance at NAB NY.

Many customers have expressed interest in this initiative, which is made possible by two Nautel developments, our GV2 transmitters and Nautel’s “just add audio” software-based air chain.

Nautel’s GV2 transmitters have been shipping since July and multiple broadcasters are on-air using Nautel’s software-based air chain. At the show and beyond, we look forward to discussions with broadcasters to demonstrate how these innovative approaches can support their business and revenue goals.

Nautel’s GV230N FM transmitter

Our goal is to help stations monetize the dashboard — not only to dominate their airspace, but to increase revenue through some exciting new technologies.

RW: As we look ahead to the latter half of the year, what are your goals? What trends will you be keeping an eye on as we look to 2025? 

Whyte: We’re very excited for the coming months and 2025. As an engineering company we are honored when our innovations not only find acceptance with our customers, but also make a material difference in their operations.

We’re mindful of the respect we have earned for creating reliable products that engineers can trust to maintain their transmission operations.

This will always be foremost at Nautel. We also have a dynamic, forward-looking team which is adding some strong capabilities to our transmitters — capabilities that can enable revenue and enhance a station’s presence on the dynamically changing dashboard.

RW: What else will you be watching for/looking forward to at the convention?

Whyte: Seeing friends, customers and partners is always a rewarding experience. We learn so much from our customers and value those conversations, many of which spark our continued innovations in transmission technology.

We’re honored to be able to have served the broadcast industry for 55 years and privileged to become the world’s largest AM/FM transmitter manufacturer. We thank all of our customers for their faith in our products and for sharing their passion for our industry.

Nautel booth: 1227

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