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This Cosmic Alignment Will Bring You the Confidence to Make Change



This Cosmic Alignment Will Bring You the Confidence to Make Change

Photo-Illustration: by Preeti Kinha; Photos: Getty Images

Ready for some good astrology news? (Of course you are! Finally.) On October 12, we’ll be gifted with a powerfully affirming cosmic alignment: Jupiter in Gemini forms a sextile with Chiron in Aries. A sextile, if you don’t know, is a harmonious aspect that occurs when planets sync up in compatible zodiac signs. And with these two celestial bodies bonded, the aspect supports healing through communication, curiosity, and a willingness to explore new ideas. Cute.

Whether you’re extracting meaningful insights from past experiences or finally communicating what you actually need, this transit invites a significant shift in perspective rooted in confidence, bravery, and courage. Ready to seize the opportunity? Here’s everything you need to know about what this transit means for you.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and, fittingly, it’s astrologically recognized as the planet of expansion, growth, luck, and abundance. Jupiter broadens our horizons through academic pursuits, mind-expanding travel, and spiritual pursuits. Its energy is optimistic and generous — but keep in mind that Jupiter magnifies whatever it touches, which includes the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Since the end of May, Jupiter has been cruising through Gemini, the air sign known for its playful communication, insatiable curiosity, and rapidly oscillating interests and obsessions. Jupiter is all about the big picture, but when in Gemini, this planet tends to focus on sound bites over philosophies. Jupiter in Gemini is attracted to whatever is shiny and new, prioritizing sensational headlines and petty scandals. While this can be a bit of a distraction, on a good day, it helps us remember that words are wands. What we say (to others and to ourselves) matters, and when Jupiter in Gemini is approached with thought, care, and authenticity, it can be a powerful agent for change.

Not everyone knows about Chiron — but they should! Chiron is a sizable comet that has a long, irregular orbit around our solar system. Discovered in the 1970s, Chiron is referred to as the “wounded healer” in astrology, representing our deepest emotional pain points and our capacity for healing. Chiron illuminates how we can alchemize our trauma, transforming it into wisdom, strength, and compassion. Chiron reminds us that our wounds can — surprisingly — be our greatest blessings, empowering us with the sensitivity and rich perspective needed to make the world a better place.

Chiron has been gliding through bold, assertive Aries’s sky since 2018, inviting us to confront deep, internal hurts related to identity, confidence, and self-expression. In Aries, Chiron asks us to examine how we’ve been held back (by either internal or external forces) and transform these alleged limitations into sources of strength and resilience. When Chiron is activated by other planets (as it will be during this upcoming Jupiter sextile), the powerful reverberations of this soulful comet become clear: We’re encouraged to learn, grow, and heal — by any means necessary.

“Aspects” refer to the geometrical angles made by celestial bodies as they connect in the sky. While certain aspects can be challenging (such as an opposition or square), exposing the planets’ relentless intensity and tough-love approach to life, other aspects bring out the best in these cosmic forces. Sextiles, for example, are considered one of the most (if not the most) advantageous and harmonious aspects.

Sextiles occur at 60-degree angles, aligning planets of the same polarity (air signs and fire signs are in one polarity, whereas earth signs and water signs are in the other). This aspect creates opportunities for beneficial cooperation, allowing the energies of the planets involved to work together in a supportive, positive way. As the planets connected in a sextile are in different — yet compatible — zodiac signs, sextiles yield much-needed perspective, helping us gain a deeper understanding of complex situations. Phew, what a relief.

Due to Chiron’s irregular orbit, the Jupiter-Chiron sextile has an interesting pattern: It occurs every ten years, then every three and a half years, then back to ten years again. Most recently, we encountered the Jupiter-Chiron sextile on January 11, 2021 — during that time, Jupiter was in Aquarius (and Chiron was still in Aries, as it is today). Back then, we experienced a dynamic interaction between Jupiter’s forward-thinking, community-oriented energy via Aquarius and Chiron’s courageous, self-starting spirit. Themes surrounded healing through innovation, individuality, and bold action — on both a personal and collective level. Reflecting on what was happening in your life during that time could provide clues about how this healing energy manifested … and, potentially, what could be in store for you up ahead.

The upcoming sextile offers a unique opportunity for healing through communication, curiosity, and self-expression. Jupiter in Gemini encourages us to expand our minds, seek new information, and embrace diverse perspectives, while Chiron in Aries focuses on healing through courage, individuality, and personal empowerment.

This is actually the first installment of a three-part series: Jupiter-Chiron will connect again via sextile in a few weeks (on November 2, 2024) and once more next spring (May 18, 2025). This reveals whatever is coming up right now — around healing, growth, and self-expression — is part of a bigger journey that will continue to unfold. Over the coming months, you’ll be presented with multiple opportunities to revisit these lessons, deepen your understanding, and continue to extract new insights and wisdom as information comes to light.

Fundamentally, this transit encourages you to tune in to the healing power of words. What we say — whether we’re trying to negotiate a promotion or hype ourselves up in the mirror — matters. Through the potency of language, we can guide our journey in a way that’s truly forward-thinking.

My recommendation for this Jupiter-Chiron sextile is to explore the incredible efficacy of affirmations. “I am worthy,” “I am successful,” and “I am beautiful” are a few tried-and-true mantras that are simple yet potent. If affirmations aren’t part of your practice yet, they may feel a little cringe as you get started — but lean into the ick. Be your own hype person. Pave the way for your success by claiming it: fearlessly, unabashedly, unapologetically. Expect breakthroughs in how you articulate your thoughts and emotions, and — by the time this three-part series has concluded — you’ll be able to express even your most complex desires with confidence and ease. Stunning!

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