The show, named Amour 愛, was a blend of East and West and meant to deliver “a powerful message of unity and mutual respect”. Here, in...
Iris Apfel, the interior designer and fashion tastemaker who found fame as an octogenarian, has died aged 102. Stu Loeser, a spokesman for her estate, confirmed...
Who: Mejuri and Ganni What: Collaborative jewelry collection Where: Online at,, and all Mejuri and Ganni stores in the U.S. Why: What happens when...
This story was updated on Feb. 27 at 5:00 a.m. EST. LONDON — If ever a brand took the modern, overworked, and frequently exhausted, woman to heart...
Photo: Courtesy of Saks Potts/ For Danish designers Catherine Saks and Barbara Potts, it all started with a coat. In 2019, their cinched-waist, furry-cuffed coat (dubbed...
Fashion Week may have left New York City, but a major moment in haute couture is anticipated in Brooklyn this April. Dior’s next New York runway...
Stepping out onto the runway of New York Fashion Week is the beginning of great things for Aria De Chicchis. (PHOTO: Supplied) Fashionista Aria De Chicchis’...
NEW YORK — New York Fashion Week is officially over, and there was much to see and do. Big designers like Christian Siriano and Sergio Hudson...
You are reading your free article for this month.Members-only This week, fashion saw several highlight moments from a tentpole fashion week to details about “fashion’s biggest...
An exciting part of the New York shows is the discovery factor. The week showcases a mix of industry veterans but just as important are the...
Year after year, New York Fashion Week showcases the breadth of American fashion. One category that continues to expand: the contemporary market. Here, WWD rounds up...
That’s a wrap on New York Fashion Week’s Fall 2024 season, with the 6-day event coming to an almighty close with Thom Browne’s return to the...