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Daily Horoscope for March 12, 2024



Daily Horoscope for March 12, 2024

General Daily Insight for March 12, 2024

Our foundations matter even more than normal. The Moon begins things on a sensitive note as it conjoins Chiron in Aries, but it will move into Taurus at 8:28 pm EDT, helping us find a sensible equilibrium. In addition, Luna sextiles charming Venus in Pisces, encouraging us to wear our hearts on our sleeves, but a final lunar square to Pluto increases our emotional intensity to such a degree that it will be wise for all of us to take things slowly.


March 21 – April 19

Stable ground is necessary to start building. The Moon is entering your security sector, which reminds you to get your financial ducks in a row by analyzing your various income streams. Be diligent as you certify that all your money matters are organized and your accounts are as healthy as they can be. It may be a good idea to review your bills for any recurring charges you have forgotten about — canceling them can free up money for more exciting things.


April 20 – May 20

Focusing on yourself is not a selfish act. In fact, it’s cosmically mandated once the Moon enters your sign. This is an astrological reset to emphasize clarity around your recent goals and ongoing needs. If they aren’t being met or you feel like you are too far from the finish line, then start working your way towards a place of better satisfaction, whatever that means to you. Creating a strategy should increase your understanding of both where you are and where you’re going.


May 21 – June 20

You can clock out from life without worry, Gemini. It’s your turn to take things easy while the Moon slips into your 12th House of Endings, signaling your monthly moment to step off the racetrack. Do you have all the energy and resources you need before starting a whole new cycle? Check in with yourself, and if you’ve been pushing too hard, don’t wait till you crash to rest. You won’t be able to go very far if you burn out in the process.


June 21 – July 22

This is no time to stay home. The Moon is entering your 11th House of Social Networks, making this a lovely chance to touch base with all the people who you’ve accidentally left on the back burner while you were off climbing other mountains. Use this energy to reach out and rekindle any chilling relationships, because people will be glad to hear from you. You’ll probably feel like your old self again once you’re surrounded by people who totally get you.


July 23 – August 22

The crowds are cheering as you approach the finish line! You’re more skilled than ever while Luna fastens itself like a first-place ribbon to your 10th House of Career, giving you a power-up to zoom forward toward the destination of your choice. The moment an opportunity to stand out arrives, you should leap on it, because people will notice and remember how willing you are to take charge. You know you deserve to be at the top of the heap, so get going.


August 23 – September 22

There’s always more to learn and discover about the world. Your urge to acquire knowledge is growing as the Moon alights in your high-minded 9th house, giving you a thirst for something new and exotic. This is a great time to break out of any ruts you’ve fallen into recently — jump up and shake up your routine with a bit of spice, literally or metaphorically. Try something outside your usual habits, as it should prove both emotionally satisfying and wonderfully stimulating.


September 23 – October 22

Other people may feel entitled to your time today. The Moon is in your 8th House of Sharing, bringing mutual matters of interest to the fore. A debt may be called in to be repaid, perhaps by you or someone coming to you for compensation. It is vital to go over all the facts and make sure you are fully informed and versed in whatever situation you find yourself in. If you don’t, someone may gain the upper hand over you.


October 23 – November 21

Doubling up can double your luck at the moment. Partnerships are emphasized as the Moon enters your relationship sector for its monthly check-in, boosting your signal to connect with the most important people in your life. In particular, if you have been operating in solo territory, then it would behoove you to change that and connect with someone who sees the world like you do — or at least in a complementary fashion. You don’t need help, but accepting it will lessen your load.


November 22 – December 21

Feeling your best shouldn’t be a headache. It’s a good time to focus on wellness as the Moon enters your health-minded 6th house, so if you’ve fallen off any bandwagons recently, then this is the moment to jump back on. Whether you reinvigorate your exercise routine or finally schedule that doctor’s checkup that you’ve been putting off, take the initiative to make a few steps in the right — and healthiest — direction. A little effort can pay off handsomely down the line.


December 22 – January 19

Clear your schedule, there’s fun to be had! The Moon is bounding into your 5th House of Pleasure, giving you nothing to do but whatever brings a smile to your face. If there are things on your plate you can’t avoid, search for ways to inject some excitement into the tasks. Once you’ve completed your chores, make enjoying yourself your number one priority, whether that means hitting the town with your friends, spending time with loved ones, or getting lost in a good book.


January 20 – February 18

You may crave the idea of retreating into your shell for a little while, Aquarius. The Moon is settling down in your 4th House of Domesticity. This heightens any desire to putter around your space, focusing on self-care, rather than going out and facing the cold, hard world. While you can put other responsibilities on hold while you tend to your own needs, just remember that if you take time off now, you’ll probably have to make it up later.


February 19 – March 20

Staying on top of things will need more effort than usual. Your life is nearly vibrating with energy as the Moon jumps into your busy 3rd house, and it wouldn’t be fun to get left behind. A little organization ought to make a world of difference, so do your best to keep some sort of schedule — or appointments or assignments could fall through the cracks, no matter how good your intentions are. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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