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Jupiter in Astrology Can Bring You Some Serious Luck



Jupiter in Astrology Can Bring You Some Serious Luck

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

Is bigger really better? According to Jupiter — the planet of luck and fortune — the answer is a resounding “hell yes.” If you’re hoping to optimize your relationship with prosperity and abundance, look no further than Jupiter. As the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter takes up a lot of real estate both physically and symbolically, so there’s real value in understanding the ins and outs of this auspicious planet. Read on to learn about Jupiter, how to work with this benefic planet, and what it means for you.

Jupiter is a big deal, literally. The planet is more than 11 times larger than our own and the most massive celestial body in our solar system. In fact, Jupiter’s enormous scale and corresponding gravitational pull means that it tugs on the millions of asteroids in the asteroid belt, holding them back and preventing them from crashing into our planet. Now that’s luck.

And perhaps our ancestors knew that Jupiter was perpetually saving our asses. Ancient astrologers referred to Jupiter as the “greater benefic” (while Venus — the planet of love and values — was deemed the “lesser benefic”), enforcing its association with expansion, good fortune, wisdom, and positivity. Named after the King of the Gods (Zeus in Greek mythology),  Jupiter’s exuberant presence often signifies opportunities, luck, and a benevolent outlook, promoting overall well-being and optimism. In addition, Jupiter has a deep association with philosophy, higher learning, and long-distance travel, so Jupiter also illuminates themes related to intellectual expansion.

I would be remiss not to mention that moderation is not Jupiter’s strong suit. Jupiter abides by the “go big or go home” philosophy, which means that — on a bad day — this planet can favor excess, indulgence, and hedonistic tendencies. It’s nearly impossible for this planet to practice self-restraint, which means that Jupiter will always be the last one at the casino (or bar or restaurant or party …). Folks with strong Jupiterian tendencies (especially those with Sagittarius or Pisces in their birth chart, which are the zodiac signs most closely associated with this planet) may need to work extra-hard to establish both internal and external boundaries.

Unlike the “personal planets” (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) that affect our daily lives, Jupiter is considered a social planet, influencing broader societal trends and collective experiences. Jupiter has a 12-year orbit, which means that it spends approximately one year in each zodiac sign, defining the Zeitgeist of that year. For example, as of May 25 of this year, Jupiter shifted into Gemini, an air sign associated with communication, connections, and adaptability. Which means we’ll be navigating a period marked by an increase in social interactions, quick-moving curiosity, and accelerated exchange of ideas.

In your birth chart, Jupiter’s placement — both the sign that it’s located in and the astrological house it occupies — reveals where luck and fortune enter your life, along with how you expand your horizons. Additionally, Jupiter is connected to wisdom and philosophy, so the zodiac sign Jupiter occupies in your birth chart also reveals both how you pursue knowledge and where you find your greatest opportunities for growth.

To locate Jupiter in your birth (or natal) chart, enter your date, time, and location of birth into an online calculator (I always recommend the TimePassages app), which will reveal Jupiter’s exact placement when you were born. (Or, if you want to cut right to the chase, you can use this Jupiter placement calculator.) The zodiac sign Jupiter occupied at your birth will reveal exactly how you attract abundance and generate new opportunities, and how you’re inspired to blossom. Say, for instance, your Jupiter is in sensitive Cancer: You likely seek growth through emotional connections and family, finding abundance in creating supportive and caring environments where people can feel nurtured and protected. On the other hand, if your Jupiter is in practical Virgo, you pursue growth through meticulous planning and acts of service, valuing precision and efficiency in your quest for improvement and knowledge.

Here’s how Jupiter attracts luck and fortune through the different zodiac signs:

  • Jupiter in Aries: Abundance through passion and courage
  • Jupiter in Taurus: Abundance through consistency and stability
  • Jupiter in Gemini: Abundance through communication and curiosity
  • Jupiter in Cancer: Abundance through sensitivity and tenderness
  • Jupiter in Leo: Abundance through self-expression and creativity
  • Jupiter in Virgo: Abundance through health and organization
  • Jupiter in Libra: Abundance through harmony and partnership
  • Jupiter in Scorpio: Abundance through insight and emotional depth
  • Jupiter in Sagittarius: Abundance through philosophical expansion and adventure
  • Jupiter in Capricorn: Abundance through focus and discipline
  • Jupiter in Aquarius: Abundance through innovation and rebellion
  • Jupiter in Pisces: Abundance through spiritual expansion and artistry

To go even deeper, locate which astrological house Jupiter occupies in your birth chart. Each house represents a specific area of life, so by identifying where Jupiter works its magic you’ll be able to understand how your unique style of communication shows up in your day-to-day experiences. If Jupiter is in your 2nd House, for example, you find prosperity through financial security and material possessions — whereas if your Jupiter is in your 11th House, you thrive by building networks and engaging in community projects.

Find out what Jupiter in your chart means for you using the below house keywords:

  • Jupiter in the 1st House: Identity, presence, sense of self
  • Jupiter in the 2nd House: Stability, material possessions, self-worth
  • Jupiter in the 3rd House: Friendship, peers, local connections
  • Jupiter in the 4th House: Home, family, origin story
  • Jupiter in the 5th House: Creativity, pleasure, joy
  • Jupiter in the 6th House: Routines, wellness, daily experiences
  • Jupiter in the 7th House: Partnerships, contracts, external dynamics
  • Jupiter in the 8th House: Depth, memories, psychology
  • Jupiter in the 9th House: Discovery, exploration, expansion
  • Jupiter in the 10th House: Legacy, reputation, career
  • Jupiter in the 11th House: Humanitarianism, technology, social justice
  • Jupiter in the 12th House: Intuition, healing, poetry

There you have it, my friend, If you’ve been looking for a way to sprinkle a little magic into the mix — enhancing your connecting to luck and fortune — consider working with the attributes of your natal Jupiter (both the zodiac sign and astrological house it occupies in your birth chart). Jupiter may not be able to pick your winning lottery numbers (sad!), but it can offer a very different way of celebrating your unique connection to opportunity. And, let’s be honest, we can all use a little more abundance in our lives. Let’s go, Jupiter!

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