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Horse Racing

Saratoga horse owner shows another side to horse racing



Saratoga horse owner shows another side to horse racing

More goes into horse racing than what people see trackside. From the handlers to the groundskeepers, the real magic is all happening behind the scenes.

If you’ve ever been to the Saratoga back stretch, chances are you’ve been greeted by Mary Lou Doyle. That’s because not only is she a proud Saratoga horse owner, but she also loves the behind the scenes magic of the Saratoga Race Course.

“It’s so important that anybody who owns a horse try to educate people as much as possible,” said Doyle.

With her go-kart in tow, she gives tours to people looking to learn more about horses and what goes into caring for one.

“I had a tour on Sunday morning and the person had never been to Saratoga race track and had never seen a horse,” said Doyle.

She’s giving people a peek at all things equestrian, including winning talent.

“People who are on my tour you never know who your going to see and who will stop by to say hi. That’s the exciting thing about it all. There’s female trainers out there that are fantastic and they also know how to engage with the public,” said Doyle.

She says with the many facets to horse racing, there is always something new to learn. Doyle doesn’t take payment for her tours. but she does ask the people that tour with her make donations to Thoroughbred Charities of America.

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